This article explains how we track leads and what you can do in order to help us to record more leads.
Currently, Fullpath can automatically track the following leads:
- Calls from ads - We tracks every click-to-call that is made from your ads.
- What can you do to increase tracking? Nothing. As mentioned above, we track every call.
- What can you do to increase tracking? Nothing. As mentioned above, we track every call.
- Calls from website - We use DNI technology for specific tracking of phone call leads. When a visitor clicks an ad that takes them to your website, DNI technology produces a unique phone number for that visitor. Since they are calling an exclusive number, we are able to track the inbound calls.
- What can you do to increase tracking? Install DNI on your account.
- What can you do to increase tracking? Install DNI on your account.
- Web Form Submissions - When a user enters contact details on a website the website is tracked. A solution we developed using our in-house technology allows tracking of the web pages and the information counts as a lead.
- What can you do to increase tracking? Make sure Fullpath’s code snippet is on your dealership website. Our snippet tracks everything on a website and whenever a lead is made, a new event is triggered and our server receives full information about the session.
- What can you do to increase tracking? Make sure Fullpath’s code snippet is on your dealership website. Our snippet tracks everything on a website and whenever a lead is made, a new event is triggered and our server receives full information about the session.
- 3rd Party Reports - leads can be tracked from specific web pages or pop-ups that are embedded in your iFrame (such as chat).
- What can you do to increase tracking? The above features will only work if your vendor adds Fullpath's Lead Tracking Code to their existing code. Read about how your vendor can help you track more Fullpath leads.
- What can you do to increase tracking? The above features will only work if your vendor adds Fullpath's Lead Tracking Code to their existing code. Read about how your vendor can help you track more Fullpath leads.
- Website Engagement - Fullpath's on-site lead optimization solution helps dealerships dramatically boost the number of leads received from their website. It can tell you exactly what’s happening on your site.
- What can you do to increase tracking? Read more about Website Engagement and contact us for a demo.