Dealership Offers are a data source from which the Fullpath platform may receive Dealer inputs which reflect the specials offered at the Dealership. Dealership Offers allow you to upload your own offers incentives into the platform in order to create Ads and Offers to be leveraged across your website and ads, and provide up-to-date and relevant dealer incentives to shoppers across the customer journey.
There are two ways to add Dealership Offers to the Fullpath platform: 1) adding a single offer and 2) uploading a CSV.
See video instructions here:
Adding a Single Offer
To add a single offer, first enter your Dashboard > CDP > Dealership Offers > click on Add Offer --> you will be prompted to select a template type (it is recommended to use the Dealership Specials format to ensure the offers you add can also be supported by your paid advertising)
Make sure to hit the blue Save button in the upper right hand corner of the screen once all offer details are provided.
Uploading a CSV
When uploading a CSV into the platform, you must use a very specific template and format so that all data can be processed and pulled into the system correctly. Instruction are listed below:
1. Enter Dashboard > Data Sources > Dealership Offers > click on UPLOAD CSV > select a template type
- It is recommended to use the Dealership Specials format to ensure the offers you add can also be supported within your paid ads
- For uploading Service Specials, scroll to the bottom.
If your dealership would like to upload custom service offers and serve these as website engagements, the Service Module must be ON and NOT THE URL REDIRECT. |
2. It is recommended you upload the chosen CSV template into Excel, Google Sheets, or some other program which enables you to easily see and edit data
3. Fill out columns A-Q ( * indicates optional fields depending on the offer type)
- Hover over the image
- Right click
- Select “Copy Image Address”
- Paste in the “image url” field (column G)
- Column A (status, condition): The options for status are: New, Used. No other inputs are supported. Capitalization does not matter.
- Column B (year): This must be a 4 digit input. 1900 - 2099 are supported years.
- Column C (make): There is no verification or limitation for this field. It is suggested you spell the make exactly how it is used on your website and not with any abbreviations or shorthand of any kind. NOTE THAT WE WILL NOT SUPPORT OFFERS WHERE THE MODEL DOES NOT MATCH THE SELECTED DEALERSHIP OEM IN DIGITAL ADVERTISING.
- Column D (model): There is no verification or limitation for this field. It is suggested you spell the make exactly how it is used on your website and not with any abbreviations or shorthand of any kind.
- Column E (*trim): There is no verification or limitation for this field. It is suggested you include the trim in the same format as those listed on your website.
- Column G (category): This is the offer type you are choosing to upload. You may write either cash, lease, finance, or off_msrp . Note there should be no capital letters, additional spaces, or abbreviations with this input.
- Column H (offer end date): Input supported is American date format, month, day, year (MM/DD/YY).
- Column I (disclaimer, terms): There is no verification or limitation for this field. It is suggested you include the disclaimer and fine print in the same format as those listed on your website.
- Column J (image URL): this should be the URL of the image - not the page upon which the image is found. Supported file types include 'PNG', 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'GIF', 'BMP'. Dropbox links are supported. The maximum size image you may use is 1mb.
- Column K ( details, description): There is no verification or limitation for this field. It is suggested you include the offer details in the same format as those listed on your website.
- Column L (*destination URL): this should be the URL of the page which you would like traffic directed to after form completion. This is an optional field. The URL must include either http or https.
- Column M (*cash amount): for cash offers, this is the amount of cash offered by the dealership (or OEM). Input should be digits only, do not use a dollar sign, periods, or commas; this will be automatically added where relevant.
- Column N (*lease months): for lease offers, this is the number of months offered in the lease. Input should be digits only, do not use periods or commas or abbreviations of any kind.
- Column O (*lease amount): for lease offers, this is the amount of money paid per month as arranged in the lease. Input should be digits only, do not use a dollar sign, periods, or commas; this will be automatically added where relevant.
- Column P (*finance months): for finance offers, this is the number of months offered in the financing package. Input should be digits only, do not use periods or commas or abbreviations of any kind.
- Column Q (*finance APR): for finance offers, this is the Annual Percentage Rate offered in the finance package. Input should be digits and may include decimal points, do not use a % sign; this will be automatically added where relevant.
- Column R (*Off_amount): for discounted MSRP offers, this is the discount in the amount of money off the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price. Input should be digits only, do not use a dollar sign, periods, or commas; this will be automatically added where relevant.
To Upload Service Offers
Service Offers are supported on Google Search Ads only. All fields are required
Used as | Character Limit | |
Title | Headline | 30 |
Subtitle | Description | 90 |
Details | Description | 90 |
Terms | Description | 90 |
End Date | Date to start/ stop | date picker |
Other standard Search restrictions:
- Text cannot be in all caps (You can use the =proper() function in Google Sheets to change the text to Sentence case)
- Text cannot contain exclamation points