In order for the Fullpath AI to decide which module to serve at any given time, it takes into account several factors including but not limited to traffic source, device, the current page, history on the site, previous interactions with the widget, whether the vehicle of interest is known or not, whether the CDXP has an offer for the vehicle of interest.
Additionally, there are certain scenarios that follow an intuitive logic; on service pages, visitors will see the Service module, and if they visit the About Us page, the widget will show the Get Directions module.
The widget setup can be customized to a certain extent. In order for your Dealership to implement these customizations, it is important to note which Modules are by default always available, and which may be turned ON/OFF.
Default Modules that are ALWAYS VISIBLE
There are three default modules that will always be shown:
- Assistance (text can read: Contact Us, Text Us, or any other custom text)
- Get Directions
- Opening Hours (only for the Minibar and the Widget)
Default Modules that are NOT Always Visible but ALWAYS AVAILABLE
There are four additional default modules that cannot be turned off but will NOT always be shown to shoppers:
- E-Price (top performing module)
- Test Drive
- Book Appointment
- Service (this may be the Service module which offers a full-service booking option that is sent in an ADF into the Dealership CRM, or a service module that redirects to the dealership’s native website service page)
The Fullpath AI will determine when and to whom it is appropriate to serve the above modules.
Opt-In Modules (these may be turned on/off at any time)
There are several additional modules that may be turned on and off at any point by anyone with access to the dealership's Fullpath Dashboard. Those include, but are not limited to:
- Specials
- Offers
- Trade-In (top performing module)
- Reviews
- Contact Sales
- Chat
- Test Drive Plus (when turned ON, this module will replace the default Test Drive)
- Quick React
- Price Drop