FUSE Dynamic Payments (formerly known as Ignite) is a Fullpath data source that creates the most competitive and worthwhile VIN-level offers for your specific dealership. FUSE Dynamic Payments generates and displays the best available offers based on your inventory, pricing, rebates, incentives, residuals, and other dealership-set parameters. FUSE Dynamic Payments' incentives are compliant, up-to-date, and automatically generated so the dealership can focus on selling cars instead of updating website offers.
How are FUSE Dynamic Payments offers used in Fullpath?
Digital Advertising
Fullpath builds ads using FUSE Dynamic Payments offers in the same way it does for other types of offers (OEM or Dealership Offers, for example).
Website Engagement
Fullpath's onsite widget will serve notifications of offers, as well as house them inside of the widget. It will also show an expanded offer when a shopper reaches the site by clicking on an ad promoting it. In addition, there are specific applications and features that are only available for FUSE Dynamic Payments clients.
Audience Activation
Fullpath will generate and send targeted emails to Shopper audiences which include highly personalized offers and incentives which feature the Dynamic Payments specials. These emails will direct Shoppers to the Dynamic Payments Specials page on the dealership to provide a consistent experience and easy-to-use shopping tool.
Specials Page
With FUSE Dynamic Payments + Fullpath's Website Engagement, your entire Dealer website specials page can be converted to show these powerful incentives. The page is designed in a way to optimize for conversions, allowing users to quickly convert on a specific offer as well as easily navigate to the relevant VDPs. The page updates automatically several times a day so you don't have to worry about displaying outdated or irrelevant offers.
FUSE Dynamic Payments Specials Page Structure
The left side of the page contains search filters that allow the shopper to easily view exactly what's relevant. The search filter allows the shopper to filter using the following parameters: condition, make, store (if your dealership is in a group), model, year, and offer type. Note: Store websites have the option to view offers by "ALL Makes". Group sites do not currently have this option for filtering.
The offers are grouped by condition, year, make, model, and trim where relevant. The tiles in the center are organized by default according to the lowest monthly payment.
The vehicle rows contain all relevant vehicle incentives and allow the shopper to browse and click by offer type. To see the complete terms and conditions, you may click on the Vehicle Details link.
FUSE Dynamic Payments Offer Types
FUSE Dynamic Payments now has the ability to generate 8 retail and lease offerings on a single, easy-to-read special. Of the 8 possible offers, FUSE Dynamic Payments can display as many as 6. Read more about Dynamic Payments offer types here.
VDP Banners
Offers can also be promoted on VDPs themselves. When banners are enabled, VIN-specific offers will be displayed in a banner on that vehicle's VDP; once clicked, an Offers form fill will open with that vehicle's details. If you have NOT chosen to display only VIN-specific offers, and there are no VIN-specific FUSE Dynamic Payments offers on a vehicle, then a relevant Dealer or OEM offer will be injected instead.
If you have chosen to display ONLY VIN-SPECIFIC OFFERS, and there are no VIN-specific FUSE Dynamic Payments offers on a vehicle, then no banner will be injected.
The banner is always placed in the same spot on the VDP, per the website provider.
VDP Banners displaying Dynamic Payments specials are only available and inserted onto the VDP pages for account running full Website Engagement. Lite and other versions of Website Engagement do NOT include Banners. Speak to your Customer Success Manager for more information. |
Inside of /settings/dealership/integrations , you'll see a place to input the name of the file that contains your FUSE Dynamic Payments offers. This should be filled out once, when Fullpath begins to receive a file containing your offers, and if the file name changes for whatever reason. "Connected" means that Fullpath is successfully receiving a file with this name. You can also click on "Log in to FUSE Dynamic Payments" in order to see your FUSE dashboard.
Support for Multiple Feeds
In the event that your brand requires you to have MAAP (Minimum Allowable Advertised Price) restrictions which determine what can display on the website in terms of pricing, FUSE Dynamic Payments can support multiple feeds.
For example, if your dealership has different advertising rules for service loaners, such as being able to run specials at 20% off MSRP if the offers reside on a separate page on the website, and cannot be co-mingled with new car specials, then two feeds are recommended to support compliance policies while maximizing the number of offers the Fullpath platform may leverage to create ads and generate widget offers.
Single Sign-On
Once Dynamic Payments is connected and activated, with a single sign-in, clients can click on the Log Into FUSE Dynamic Payments button from inside the Integrations page, and be routed into the FUSE Dynamic Payments Dashboard to see relevant stats and metrics, without having to log in elsewhere. A new window will open alongside your Fullpath Dashboard. If you have multiple feeds hooked up for FUSE Dynamic Payments, both will be visible inside the FUSE Dynamic Payments Dashboard.
Specials Page and Banners
If you are using FUSE Dynamic Payments, you will also see additional Settings inside of your Website Engagement settings. These relate to the specials page and VDP banners:
On this page you can input the URL of the page that you'd like "taken over" by Fullpath. Changes will be made automatically and immediately.
You can also turn VDP banners On and Off by using the toggle. There is an additional setting that can be turned on/off that controls which offers should be shown on VDP banners. By default, any offer that matches the Make-Model of the vehicle will be shown on the banner. However, if you prefer that the banner only show offers that match the vehicle exactly (including by Trim), you can check this box. When checked, only offers that match the vehicle by VIN will be shown.
Backup Lead Capture
Should there any be issues with the data or a delay of any kind in presenting the specials on the page, a backup, lead-capture form will appear until new Specials are available and visible on the page.
Note: If there is no associated VIN available in the dealership inventory, the associated offers will either pause or NOT run live. We will not advertise for vehicle that the Dealership doesn't have in their inventory.