The Store Performance page is a visual means to communicate the core value of the CDXP platform. The page is designed to highlight top-level indicators of performance, value across products, and tell the story of your Dealership's marketing automation success.
The store page is usually the page upon which most users will land when they first log into the Dashboard. You may access this page by clicking into the MARKETING tab on the top bar and clicking on STORE OVERVIEW from the left side menu: https://dashboard.fullpath.com/store-performance
Using the Store Performance Page
The Store Performance Page is ideal for Dealers and Marketers seeking to gain a top-level overview of performance metrics across the platform. It contains 3 sections: Store Performance, Data Sources, and Explore Shopper Journeys.
Section by Section Breakdown
Digital Advertising Overview
Upon opening the full view of the section you can see both a graph view of either leads or spend broken down by Objective as well as top-level stats, and channel performance within the selected timeframe.
Please note that the Strategy section is not affected by the timeframe and shows data relevant to the moment.
Website Engagement Overview
Upon opening the full view of the section you can see top-level stats within the selected timeframe, as well as a graph view of leads converted on the widget. This graph includes an indication of leads coming to your website via Fullpath's Digital Advertising
Note: Digital Advertising leads are conversions that occurred on-site within the selected date range, however the initial ad click (i.e. the Click Thru Window) can be up to 30 days previously.
Please note that the Strategy section is not affected by the timeframe and shows data relevant to the moment.
Audience Activation Overview
The top bar of this section includes overview metrics including Engaged Customers from your CRM, Active Shoppers, Leads, attributable Sales, and Service ROs.
*Important to note: when examining performance of a service campaigns, keep in mind, not all service leads are considered Service ROs. A Service RO must be associated with a Shopper who has opened and clicked on the AA Service email within the given timeframe / clickthrough window to be considered an attributed Service RO.
Please note that the Strategy section is not affected by the timeframe and shows data relevant to the moment.
VINs Acceleration Overview
The top bar of this section includes overview metrics including VINs currently promoted, VDP views from the selected month, the number of known shoppers on the promoted VINs as well as a count of Moved Out vehicles (those which have either been sold or removed from the website).
Please note that the Strategy section is not affected by the timeframe and shows data relevant to the moment.