The Group Performance page provides a consolidated view of performance across multiple rooftops inside an automotive group. While the page is meant to highlight the stats that most closely align with the group’s primary marketing activities, it also enables users to gain a higher resolution and see more granularly the leads, reports, user activities and performance-driving value across all activated rooftops.
See video instructions here:
The group page is only visible to those Dealers whose store belongs to a multi-rooftop group with more than one store on the Fullpath CDXP. You may access this page by clicking into the MARKETING tab on the top bar and clicking on GROUP OVERVIEW from the left side menu: https://dashboard.fullpath.com/group-performance
Date Range
The date range can be adjusted to view data from a daily, weekly, monthly or custom view. The default date range is a view of the previous 30 days.
You may also choose to compare data within a selected date range. By default, this option is turned OFF. Once flipped ON, you may choose to compare performance from a daily, weekly, monthly, or custom view. It is important to note that when you have compare mode turned ON, grey comparison stats will be visible next to all stats listed on the page with a delta indication, notating % increase or decrease.
Read more about the compare date range feature here.
Export Options
All data in the selected timeframe may be exported as a CSV so that the user may upload the raw data into Excel, Google Sheets, or any other program where further analysis or tracking is required.
The Group Reporting page is only visible to those users who have access to more than one client in an auto group*. If a logged-in user only has permission to view one store in the group, the Group Reporting page will not be visible to them.
Each logged-in user sees only the data relevant to clients and products that their specific user profile has any level of access to. For example, aggregated data will only show from the stores they have permission to see.
Dashboard Structure
The Group Reporting page has 2 main sections which consist of the following:
- Group Performance Overview
- Individual Store Performance section
Within each of these sections, the user may gain higher resolution and drill down further into other pages and reports. The store order is listed alphabetically by default.
Group Performance Overview
- This section provides an aggregated view of topline metrics that can be directly attributed to Fullpath technology within the selected timeframe across all relevant rooftops in the group.
Store Performance Overview