Audience Activation by Fullpath is the automated, AI-based lead nurturing system of our CDXP. It enables Dealers to generate new revenue from existing CRM shoppers by leveraging data, identifying new opportunities, and engaging shoppers with scalable, hyper-personalized, omnichannel communication across an optimized platform. The Audience Activation Overview page is where you can view and track performance.
You can log into your Audience Activation Dashboard within the marketing tab in the lefthand navigation bar.
The data leveraged for Audience Activation comes from several data sources, including the Dealership's CRM, Dealer Offers, Manufacturer Offers (OEM), the Dealership's Inventory, and of course the Dealership's website data, tracked using the Fullpath code snippet.
Fullpath pulls data from the Dealership CRM every 24 hours.
Page Structure
The Overview page has 4 sections including:
- Campaigns
- Topline Stats (and graph)
- Shopper Activity
- Shopper Stories
1. Campaigns
The Campaigns section displays a donut graph that breaks down the campaigns with active shoppers during the selected date range. Hovering over the different sections displays the number of active shoppers within each campaign type.
Clicking on the View All link will drive a user to the Campaigns page.
2. Topline Stats
The topline stats displayed include the number of engaged shoppers, activated shoppers, converted leads, and closed sales during the selected date range.
Tabbing through these stats adjusts not only the graph below but the shopper stories in the bottom section which reflect highlights from each of these categories.
Important to note: The leads and sales attributed to a campaign are incremental. This is important because it helps understand why the total number of leads and/or sales from all campaigns will NOT equal the total you see on the Overview page (which aggregates all incremental leads and sales).
A shopper may be in multiple campaigns at the same time. They may convert on one campaign but have their vehicle sale tied to another. The campaign performance will reflect this and list the same action twice -- once inside each relevant campaign. This is not to inflate numbers, but rather to show that several campaigns engaged shoppers, converted shoppers, or led to a sale.
3. Shopper Activity
The shopper activity section displays various actions which shoppers completed following engagement. Taking any of these meaningful actions indicates intent and helps the system determine how best to categorize and choose the next best campaign or engagement path for that shopper.
4. Shopper Stories
The bottom section of the overview page contains shopper stories; the stories displayed are selected based on which topline stat you select. For example, if you click on the Leads tab, the top 5 leads who converted during the selected date range will show.
The shopper stories highlight the shoppers' names and contact details, and also provide a list of campaigns the shopper is currently enrolled in, as well as other engagements and subsequent shopper activity.
Date Range
All data visible on the overview page may be viewed within a selected time frame by clicking on the date range bar in the upper right-hand corner of the page. The default is a 30-day view from the current date.