Verifying a Dealership Website Domain
Domain verification also allows you to manage editing permissions over your links and content in order to help prevent misuse of your domain. This applies to link in both organic and paid content. Managing your ad link editing permissions also helps ensure only trusted employees and partners represent your brand.
The latest Apple policy changes which came with the release of the newest operating system Apple iOS14.5 have caused many advertising partners, specifically Facebook, to issue recommendations around domain verification as their ability to track website conversion events from ads using the facebook web pixel is about to be impacted significantly (April, 2021). Read more about the iOS14.5 update and tracking changes here.
Domain verification establishes which Business Manager account has the authority to configure and prioritize the 8 available conversion events for a given domain.
The process of domain verification is relatively simple. Your Dealership's website provider will need to insert a meta tag into the <head>of the HTML of your dealership domain homepage. The tag looks like this:
<meta name = "facebook-domain-verification" content = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/> .
Your account specific Meta tag will be provided to you by the Fullpath Customer Success team.
If you would like to retrieve the Meta tag yourself, and have access to your Facebook business settings, you may follow the instructions included below:
- Log into Facebook Business Manager
- Navigate to Business Settings > Brand Safety > Domains
- Type Dealership domain in list and click on the blue button that says "Add" so you have permission to access this client's domain settings
- Select preferred method of verification (if client requests in a specific format) from 3 options: meta-tag verification, HTML file upload, or DNS Verification.
- Copy the code/ file/ string and send it to your website provider. Request they confirm once the verification has been added.
- Click on the green VERIFY button to complete the process.