Setup for Success
Fullpath pulls leads from your CRM each day going back 30 days in order to update audiences and make sure to surface all leads interacting with Audience Activation.
It's important to have an mechanism in place to automatically activate leads after a certain period of time. This way when the lead begins shopping again, you are aware and can act swiftly. eLead CRM has a setting which labels leads after specified number of days to a status of your choosing.
The optimal configuration for this setting for customers using our CRM mining and email solution is 45 days. To make these adjustments inside your eLead CRM, follow the steps below:
Step 1 : Click on Admin
Step 2 : CRM Setup
Step 3 : Management Escalation
Step 4: Check Active next to “Automatically Change Status to Inactive”
Step 5: Choose number of days after last contact to change status (45 days)
Step 6: Choose status to be changed to inactivity cleanup
Step 6a: if the Inactivity Clean-Up option is not a visible option in the drop-down, a support ticket for eLead should be opened with the following 2 requests:
- a request that eLead add the INACTIVITY CLEAN UP option to the dealer account
- that permissions for the specific user which Fullpath has access to (the login email and password) be updated to reflect this addition
How to check Do Not Email counts in the Eleads CRM
1. Login to the CRM and make sure to select the desired dealership in the top right corner.
2. Select Search from the top bar
3. As pictured below, mark the two checkboxes next to the E-mail address field, then select the Do Not Email option next to Do Not Email.
4. Run the search and note the number of total results.